Copy's Mountain Pixie
32" Black & White Pinto
Foaled 2003
Sire: Thunder's True Copy
Dam: Lucky Harts Rowdy Reddy
Pixie is an excellent youth mare showing in AMHR and
4-H with numerous wins in halter, showmanship, jumping, and obstacle.
Holds AMHR HOF points.
Her 2009 foal, a petite blue roan filly, has gone on the show in 4-H and open shows as well
earning multiple wins in halter, showmanship, jumping, obstacle and driving.
For Sale: $1,200
To approved home only!

CNC's Star of Ariel
35" Dun Pinto
Sire: 4-N Party Boy's White Sox
2007 Canadian All Star Top Ten Model Gelding,
Country Pleasure Driving, & Ladies County Pleasure Driving
Dan: Wood's Luckie Star
Ariel is an excellent youth horse and showed in 4-H.
Her first foal, is a nicely marked bay pinto. Her second
foal is
a flashy red dun colt.
For Sale: $900